In the first TED talk from Juan Enriquez speaking about the issue of "Your online life, permanent as a tattoo." Enriquez talks about how the online services that you use can tell more about your life than a tattoo on your body ever could. When you accept the terms and conditions and privacy policy on an app you normally don't actually read the pages and pages of their policy. Sometimes though, they have written that they can change their policy without informing you. You click agree without noticing that they now own you posts and can sell them to anyone. The cookies on your computer, phone, etc. also track your every click. Now, online services know more about you than anyone else. These tracking services in our phones can control us and have complete power to do whatever they want with it. Therefore. you don't actually have as much privacy as you think.
Another TED talk given by Darieth Chisolm was about how her ex husband posted photos of her nude as she was sleeping as a form of revenge. She calls this digital domestic violence. He also called her dirty names and sent dirty messages. She then explains that 1 in 25 women are suffering from these horrific acts and legislation won't do ANYTHING! The government really needs to step up for the people and instead of just using them to get Information, maybe they should start protecting us from harm.
In order to protect ourselves from invasion of privacy we need to stand up for our rights, letting the government know that they need to change. We should also always sign out of our browsers after use, continue to watch for what we put out on social media, and use something such as a VPN so that they cannot get all of our information.
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